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  • Writer's pictureKelli Napaluch


'Life is full of wonders, but you can't have rainbows without rain, lightning and thunder'-O. S. Hickman.

Sometimes life can be chaotic and stretch us thin. When something negative happens to us, our minds like to constantly remind us with thoughts we don't want. Although they are here to protect us from potential threat, our looping thoughts can keep us ruminating. It's a coping mechanism to help a distressed individual escape from the present and to understand, judge, and make changes to those thoughts, but by doing that it takes us away from the present moment where we feel joy, happiness, and peace. Being in the center of this unwanted energy can leave us exhausted mentally and physically.

We need to let go of our thoughts by being mindful. When we're mindful we simply let our thoughts go instead of getting caught up in them, worrying or letting our mind race. We do this by watching our thoughts instead of engaging with them. We simply notice that they are present in our mind, and just watch them as they come and go without judgment. We allow then to enter our minds and stay there for a while, and then let them go on their way. As soon as we engage our thoughts, they tend to stick around, and lead to more thoughts, and before we know it we’re back to ruminating or dwelling or worrying. But if we can just let the thoughts come and go as they please, they tend to go away on their own. You can watch them go by allowing them to pass out of your mind just like a cloud passing through the sky or a leaf floating down a stream.

Thoughts as Clouds: Whenever a thought enters your mind, imagine that it rests on a cloud that’s floating by. Don’t judge the thoughts, and don’t label them; simply observe them as they float through your mind. Don’t grab onto them or get caught up in thinking about them—just notice them. (from The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Sheri Van Dijk)

Leaves Floating Down a Stream: Imagine a beautiful slow-moving stream. Once in a while, a big leaf drops into the stream and floats away down the river. Imagine you are sitting beside that stream on a warm, sunny day, watching the leaves float by. Now become conscious of your thoughts. Each time a thought pops into your head, imagine that it is written on one of those leaves.

The goal is to stay beside the stream and allow the leaves on the stream to keep flowing by. Don’t try to make the stream go faster or slower; don’t try to change what shows up on the leaves in any way. Just watch a thought come into your mind, write it on a leaf, and let the leaf float away downstream. (from Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life by Steven C. Hayes)

Another way to recenter yourself is through meditation. One of the easiest meditations to help reduce stress fast is a breath meditation. You simply focus your attention on your breath and open the door to a more healthy and mindful lifestyle. Many people find it helpful to start by focusing on their breath, and silently count inhalations and exhalations: In (one), out (two), in (three), and so on. This gives you something to focus on besides intrusive thoughts.

Remember, you are exactly where you're supposed to be right now, and the past is meant to stay where it is- behind you.

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