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  • Writer's pictureKelli Napaluch

Setbacks and Failures

It is easy to lose our motivation in life when things become heavy and we reach a plateau with goals in life. Challenges happen to distract us, but because of that it's easy to lose focus. Especially when we're wanting things to happen quickly. Let's say that things are going well for you, but then some challenges come up that may be difficult to navigate through. There's a lot of frustrations that can happen when you're on a specific journey that can make you lose focus, motivation, or feel like you need to quit or try something different. That energy of not being patient and giving up when things get hard or doesn't go accordingly can be something deeper like a lack of confidence.

When we have delays or obstacles come up, we can feel like we're not good enough or we aren't doing enough. We may take things personally and be hard on ourselves when something doesn't work out. Let's say that you applied for three job opportunities interviews that you thought went relatively well, but you were rejected. It can be easy to focus on feelings of not being good enough, or that you're not a worthy person. But in all honesty, you just weren't what they were looking for, and they didn't see you as the best fit for the companies but it's nothing personal. You weren't what they were looking for, but you are someone that someone else is looking for. Your life isn't defined by how well or how quickly you succeeded in something. Taking things personally and letting it hurt your pride doesn't define your worth, but it does result in low self-esteem and self-doubt. Your ego may tell you that you're not good enough, or you're too lazy, or you get distracted easily, or you lose interest if something doesn't happen right away, but you're subconsciously telling yourself this because you want to runaway before anything can happen, because if it does work out then you will feel worthless or like you're not good enough. You want to escape the feelings of not feeling good enough, but you need to focus and don't let this keep you down. Be clear on what you want and know that you can make it happen. And you are good enough and capable enough for whatever your heart desires.

When we're being hard on ourselves, it's not easy to shake that energy off. So if you're pushing yourself too much to reach a certain goal fast, then remember if you try too hard and overwork yourself, then you can actually slow down the progress. We can give ourselves burnout, and we may become ill or exhausted. You'll use your stamina and slow down the progress then if you would've just paced yourself. It's important to work for something you want, but work smart and make sure to rest when you need it. It's important to take care of yourself and to be realistic when setting goals. It's not what you're capable of or how good you are because you could be overqualified. It's more to do with the timing and how things fall into place. Sometimes things can slow down the progress that's out of control. It will happen eventually, but you need to keep having faith in yourself. Preserve and know that it is not your fault if things take a little bit more time.

There's a difference between being critical of yourself and giving yourself constructive criticism. If you're being too critical, then you're telling yourself you aren't good enough or that there's something wrong with you, but constructive criticism means you see what the honest problem is and you find ways to adjust it and make positive changes. Being harsh to ourselves can put us in a negative spiral, making us feel not motivated and upset. We then lose our hope and inspiration, but If you start with smaller and realistic goals and break them down to where their more feasible you'll be more consistent with your time, and most likely stick with it. If the results are not what you want the first time, that's okay. It's a learning experience. Look for ways to adjust and see what's working, what isn't working, and what you can improve or keep the same. It's a learning experience. It's not that you're good enough or you're not. It's through those trial and errors and consistent effort that will show you what's going to work and what isn't. You should visualize what you want your end result to look like, but make your goal to be consistent instead of making it about the result, and then watch the results overtime to see what is working and what isn't. It isn't to judge yourself but to see how you can make better progress that will help you grow more.

Break the cycle of self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. Taking your endeavors personally will cause you not to see the potential of yourself. You deserve so much love and shouldn't define yourself from where you're at in life right now or what goals you didn't meet yet because they are coming. It's just a matter of time and taking things slowly a day at a time. Your journey may look different than everyone else's but that's okay. And you're not behind on your endeavors and you are safe to make mistakes. You are safe to be imperfect and not have everything figured out yet. You are safe. We need to tap in more into child-like energy, and allow ourselves to have fun and color outside the lines without being too quick to judge ourselves. And like children we should learn while doing and feel safe to have trials and errors. You can choose to have fun and learn in situations instead of facing them feeling nervous like you have to prove you're good at something. Don't take yourself so seriously because you are safe to learn. If you feel like you have to do the best job and you can't make mistakes or you will be harshly evaluated, then it might be you are holding onto something from the past. Even if the past is gone and you are safe now, your subconscious won't realize that. Look within yourself and see what false fears are you holding onto that is preventing you from moving forward, preventing you from not being motivated or interested, and preventing you from not taking action. Because it goes deeper than that you're just lazy and you're a procrastinator. It's painful and stressful to deem ourselves unworthy or harshly criticize ourselves within the first few attempts at something, so no wonder we clear steer from it. Our brain believes that and causes us to procrastinate.

You deserve all the beautiful things in your life, so accept all the blessings from earth, and let go of thinking that you don't deserve these things because that's a very ego way of thinking. You are an extension of the universe itself. Stardust runs in your veins. We aren't separate from everyone else, and you don't need to prove your worth because you think you are. You don't need to prove yourself that you deserve to be here because we are all one. We're all existing, and we're all made from the same love. When you receive blessings you are allowing yourself to receive them because you are part of the universe and you're not separate. Nobody is withholding blessings from you because of your worth. You get to choose to allow them or not. If it was just you existing you wouldn't have to prove your worthiness or blessings to anyone but yourself, and that's how it should always be. You aren't stuck. You can keep moving forward to your goals and dreams so that you can live a fulfilling life. You have it in you. You got to treat success and failure as just things that happen. And you got to keep moving forward. Success is a journey. It has its ups and downs. It has its challenges and it has its victories. If you just suffered a setback, it really is just a setup for a comeback. You can take on whatever adversity life throws at you and achieve great success as long as you accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward.

Life isn't always fair. Life breaks us all, but when we're down we have two choices: We can let our hopes and dreams fall away; like leaves from a tree, or we can rise up to a higher level of our own personal consciousness and state of awareness and fight back with courage and faith. We are overcomers. We are more than conquerors. We are stronger than we know and braver than we feel. Life is not what happens to us. Life is how we respond to situations and people that cross our paths.

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