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  • Writer's pictureKelli Napaluch

The Intuitive You

Life is so very beautiful. It is complex and mysterious and it's a miracle to exist. It wasn't by accident. You are here for a reason, living as a spirit inside a body that was designed amazingly just for you and placed on this rotating planet that's supporting you as it revolves around the sun and floats in a vast expanse of space that contains all the galaxies, stars, and other planets. If you look around and take in all the natural wonders of the world that reveal the diverse splendor of earth, and you think to yourself that nothing can compare, then you are correct, but please add yourself amongst the most beautiful aspects that earth has to offer.

You aren't like anyone else. You have been set apart and created to be a vessel on earth. You deserve to treat yourself like a treasure and live life with the intention of enjoying it to the fullest while being your true self. There are three key components to living a miraculous life: gratitude, forgiveness, and love. When you apply these components in your life then you'll feel better, you'll be hopeful, and things will have a way of falling together. Living life this way will bring you to your authentic self.

We all have in us an innate intelligence that guides our actions that we make in life. It tells us what is good for us or what we should avoid by sending vibrations through our bodies. This is called our intuition. Trusting in your intuition is a superpower. Not everyone wants to follow it because they may argue that it's wrong even if the vibe is positive and is telling you to go for it, or the vibe is negative and telling you to avoid something. But your intuition is there to protect you, to keep you alive and safe, and to give you what you seek. And most of the time it gives you better than what you seek.

Listen to your body so you can find your intuition and act in a way that honors what you need or seek. Do not go against the callings of the vibrations you may receive. Your calling may be challenged sometimes because of troubles, but when you feel fear, stubbornness, or discomfort that's telling you to stay where you're at because you feel safe doing what you been doing, then that's when you push through and challenge those challenging thoughts instead. You must look at what's in front of you and envision the reward if you keep going. Will the difficult sacrifices be worth it in the end? Because there will always be an end to any problem.

You are not your emotions or thoughts. You exist beyond the machine that is your mind. Feel any emotion that's brought to the surface without analyzing, judging, conjuring up images from the past, and worrying about the future. Notice your feelings and feel them without resisting. When you stop resisting something it gets easier to let go. Realize the emotions aren't permanent. Accept the present for all it is and challenge your inner monologue with positivity. You can do this by talking in a future point of view. When the present you is scared and wants to hide, then remind yourself that the future you will feel proud, happy, satisfied, and grateful. No matter how uncomfortable change is, what you do now will create how you feel tomorrow, and it is worth moving through fear.

If you feel like working on how you feel on the inside, then find some self-care options that you can enjoy that will have you feeling like your best. Some self-care options are: eating healthy, drinking water, exercising, going for a walk, getting good sleep, sitting in the sunlight, and taking a shower or bath. When you take care of yourself while implementing some positive thoughts and affirmations into your life so you can change how you believe in yourself and the world, then you can better live your life according to the needs of your authentic self, and thusly learn how to listen to your intuition.

You are a powerful being and you can do anything you set your mind to. There are no limits. If you want to make positive changes in life and be driven in chasing your dreams, then go for it. You have to start somewhere, and it's perfectly fine if you get off track sometimes and have to start over. It's okay if at times you don't feel motivated. Change the way you see yourself and know that you can see things through to the end.

You are a go-getter, you do put in the work, and you stay driven until you get the results that match your authentic truth. Be patient because sometimes the results may take time, but they will be worth it in the end. Keep climbing the ladders and let the opportunities come to you. Imagine how you will feel once you reach the top of that ladder. Imagine yourself happy and confident. Bring a smile to your face and feel that power and satisfaction as yours. Feel gratitude now knowing that what you want is coming to you. Put in the work and keep climbing the ladder until you reach the top because you will.

Anytime you need a confidence boost, close your eyes and imagine you achieved the success you were after. Imagine the higher version of yourself. The you who is confident, happy, and full of gratitude and passionate for life. That you is in there. Sometimes it's just the matter of convincing the mind. Remind yourself often you got this. You do. You are capable, confident, and resilient. You are worthy of your blessings, and as long as you keep going you will reach the success. Setbacks may happen and obstacles may get in the way, but the way you respond to obstacles will have a great effect on whether they become roadblocks in your life, or expressways to learning and growth. As long as you stay positive, believe in yourself, and be thankful for what you do have now, you will eventually get there.

Imagine yourself living life exactly as you want as the highest version of yourself. Let the vision propel you and excite you. If you stay disciplined in yourself regardless of how you're feeling, and you move forward, stay motivated, and take action, then you will feel on top of the world and empowered. Blessings will pour over you as long as you work for it, hold yourself accountable, and if you're willing to be uncomfortable in the process. Allow yourself to transform by embracing uncertainty. It might feel unpleasant at first, but know this is normal and good for you. If your intuition is telling you to choose a different path and you end up somewhere completely different, then it can get bumpy along the way, but be willing to take the risk.

When you redefine yourself and the plans you made in life, this will require you to be very introspective and see some aspects of yourself that you don't like, or some aspects in your past that are suppressed. The good, the bad, and the ugly will come up, but the negative energy will be transmuted and left behind. You will go through metamorphosis and create a fresh new start. You will be like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon. Are you willing to take a hard look at yourself and be honest about your shadows and what needs to change? Are you willing to look at the painful parts of your past? Because that can be very uncomfortable, and the process of releasing can be very painful. It will take some strength and immense commitment to yourself, but if you are willing to go through the struggle and discomfort, you will secure a happier future for yourself. You will be healed and released from all the pain.

Maybe you have been through a dark night of the soul and an identity crisis, and you question yourself like, who are you and what are you doing in life? But the struggles you go through will be so worth it. They will be paid off for you so wonderfully. Just try your best where you're at now and your future self will thank you. Let the person you want to be in the future encourage you. Set daily intentions to infuse positivity in everything that you do. For example, when you take a shower think of it as healing element since it really is. Water nourishes our bodies from the inside out and brings in energy of cleansing, purification, and release. So when you're washing your body you're also washing away all the negativity and stress of the day, and rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.

A good way to infuse positivity in everything you do is to be grateful for everything. There's always something to be grateful for and happy about. Maybe keeping a gratitude journal can help you see the bright side in things and inspire that positivity in everything that you do. You may go through some hard tests, but you will be rewarded if you make your everyday life a ritual by seeing all the positivity in everything you do. Your efforts will pay off. All the seeds that you are planting for spiritual growth, all the intentions you are setting for your authentic life are going to pay off beyond your expectations. If you're trying to reach the moon you will land in the stars. You're going to go way farther than you ever thought you could.

During your journey plans may change, so make sure you are doing something you absolutely love. Build your house on solid ground. It's okay to be stubborn, but be stubborn and persist with something you love because this will give you the best results. It's okay to start over. It's a natural part of evolving into a smarter, better, and stronger version of yourself. Be willing to allow change to happen. Allow yourself to let go of all the time and energy you put into doing something that you didn't resonate with, because starting over Is what will bring you to your ultimate success and happiness. It makes the most sense to go after what you love than push through something you don't resonate with because you feel like you have to. Be patient and trust the divine orchestration behind everything. Problems will always be resolved. Believe that things will work out. Start over if you have to. Release and let go. It will be the fastest way to get where you want to be. You deserve something you're passionate about that will match you authentically that you love and care about. It's never too late to go for it or to start over, and you will be rewarded.

There's a big transition coming to you if you let it, and it's propelling you to a very high place of freedom, peace, joy, fulfillment, spiritual growth, transformation, evolvement, purpose, and to live authentically. Be excited about your future. Create a plan to focus on bettering yourself for your future, and living your truth doing what you love. You're in charge of your own life. Nobody can do it for you. Feel empowered in your life to go for what you're passionate for. Be patient and trust the divine timing. Be motivated, enthusiastic, confident, and excited now for what's to come after you decide to go for it. You may not know what will come next, but doors will open for you. Be proud of yourself for the decision of starting over if that's what you choose to do because it's not easy. You're being true to yourself for what needs to be done so you can be happy, and that takes a lot of courage to do.

You are beautiful, you are strong, and you are worthy to be authentically you. Today is a new day. You have the opportunity to start fresh. Right here...right now. I wish you a wonderful day of happiness and positivity by shining your inner light and expressing your truth.

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