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  • Writer's pictureKelli Napaluch

Restoring your Confidence

Take a moment to celebrate yourself for being here. Focus on your breath and rejoice in the fact that you are here as a beautiful spirit living in this miracle we call life. Maybe it's not easy to see just how wonderful, magnificent, and beautiful you really are, but here is your message to confirm that you are enough. You are more than enough. It's ridiculous how enough you are. You are more worthy than what you give yourself credit for and you deserve to love yourself and receive love from others. Cultivate a sense of unconditional self-worth right now. Feel peaceful and calm. Releasing, relaxing, and sensing a sweet and gentle loving vibration within your body as you let go of what no longer serves you so you can make space for what does serve you.

In this life you will meet all sorts of people. Some will have your best interest at heart and some will not. But remember, what they say or do to you has no indication of your true character. They are on their own journey, feeling their own emotions, and sometimes acting out of fear to maintain power and control over someone else. Never depend on anyone to make you feel valid or give you what you want to feel good about yourself. Be so in love with yourself so that you can know the truth of who you are. The positive connection and the light you see within yourself is more important than any outside influence that causes you to believe otherwise. You do deserve to be in love with yourself. You are one of a kind and there will never be another you in your lifetime, so wear your identity proudly.

It's okay to make mistakes or feel guilty and ashamed about choices we make in our lives. In fact, judging ourselves and the poor choices we make is a coping mechanism to learn lessons and do better next time. The past is the past. It's an illusion that doesn't exist anymore. You can start anytime shedding away your old self and welcoming in your new self.

I know from experiences that past mistakes or pain caused by ourselves or others can make us feel inadequate as if we're not good enough, but I'm here to tell you that you are good enough and you are not a mess. You are a deeply feeling person in a messy world. Be mindful of yourself often and check the energy that you are in. If you're not in a good place that is okay. Feel what you need to feel and then release those feelings. Do not try to forcefully push them away. To heal, we need to feel the pain for a little while until the feelings dissipates. You can't possibly heal if you keep trying to suppress the emotions or thoughts because then they'll keep resurfacing until you can learn from the experiences or find a new healthier perspective about them. With that being said, we may hold on to feelings or thoughts from the past or the future that gives us fear or makes us feel unworthy. We tend to focus on painful experiences because it's a coping mechanism to protect us. It's a normal human response. We're simply just created that way to focus on negativity because what we go through we grow through. We have to go through difficult situations to grow and be better next time.

Most of the time our pain can stem from other people that make us feel less than. As a human we want to feel accepted, and we may put our worth in other people's hands, but anyone who has ever made you feel inadequate ha

s their own problems to deal with. Not one person here is perfect. We all experience pain from our experiences or from the way we view ourselves, and people's actions or words come from a place of fear of not wanting to face their true identity and from their insecurities, so to feel good enough they may find reasons to treat others unfairly. Because of this our confidence may suffer. It's not fair and it doesn't give them the right to treat people unkindly, but not everyone will have the same heart and be on the same empathetic level as you. It may bring trouble of clarity and understanding because you didn't do anything to deserve this kind of treatment, but people will project their feelings they hold about themselves onto others as long as they feel a sense of empowerment. They have some maturity to do. Just remember they are only hurting themselves in the long run and will never truly heal because you can't be a terrible person to others and be happy. You just can't.

Don't ever put your happiness in someone else's hands. You are responsible for your own happiness and nobody can take that away. If you take anything from this, please remember that everyone is one. We all share the same emotions and go though similar things, but we all handle situations in different ways because of our different perspectives. Try to forgive and have compassion to unkind people. Do it for yourself. Some people aren't compatible with you and you deserve to not have to show who you are to somebody.

See your strengths and focus on what you love about yourself. You were created with so much beauty and worthiness by the divine. You are a beautiful soul and you deserve to feel like you are enough. Know your worth. Feel like you are enough already because you are really. You really are beautiful with a one of a kind personality. You are the only you there is and you have so much beauty to offer this world and to other people. Rather people say it or not, you make this world a better place.

Establish better boundaries with yourself and with others. You don't have to surround yourself with people who don't have your best interest because not everyone is for you. You don't have to believe everything everyone tells you. There are good people out there who do see your beauty and all the good things about you and has the same heart as you.

Please celebrate yourself. You are beautiful. Own it. Be mindful of negative and toxic behaviors, and constantly remind yourself of how beautiful you are and all the things you love about yourself, because there are many things. What a wonderful world it would be if people uplifted humanity and made everyone feel loved and reminded them of their worth. Since not everyone will do that, you have to do it for yourself instead. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way of your confidence. You're not stuck. You can start now and make the conscious choice now to reflect and take a step back. Focus on yourself first and accept the things you cannot change. Pour all the love in the world onto yourself, and know that you are uniquely you and uniquely beautiful. Think positive thoughts about yourself so that you can grow and transform into who you're meant to be. It's okay to have negative thoughts and feelings because it's natural, and those thoughts and feelings are only there to protect you, so give thanks to them then allow them to pass.

The relationship you have with yourself should be your main priority. Give yourself the love, attention, and respect that you deserve, because you deserve the world rather you believe that or not. Treat yourself kindly and genuinely with more self-love and care because when you do this you will feel like you deserve it and thusly gain more confidence with the way you view yourself. You have very beautiful attributes about you but you may find it hard to cherish those attributes because you may find yourself in situations where people take you for granted or not give you what you deserve. Maybe you're also doing that to yourself. I want to assure you that you are doing your best. Remind yourself that you are doing your best and that anytime you are face with a difficult situation you will know that everything will work out and these challenges are temporary. Be proud of yourself for showing up and not giving up regardless of how you feel, and be proud of yourself for maintaining your integrity despite the types of people you encountered in this quest of love, or for acceptance, or for understanding.

You deserve love and an authentic relationship with yourself. The only person you are responsible for is you. It's not your fault if you have wounds caused by others or because of a mental illness or personality disorder, but you can control them so they no longer control you or hinder your life or the way you see yourself. Your illness or disorder is not your identity. It's a part of you but it's not you. Your body is an extension of yourself, so love yourself and know that you got it. Know that you can handle anything that comes your way. Things will always work out. Show people who you are on the inside by reflecting that on the outside. There may have been people who tested your patience and ability and now you're wondering how can you be open and vulnerable to be your authentic self. It's very understandable but admirable that you didn't close yourself off in order for you to find that beautiful love of yours that you truly deserve. You're going to have to reassess the way you approach love and what you think you deserve, and also let go of situations in the past that didn't give you the justice that you deserved, or if you didn't get an apology that you were looking for.

Be the energy of happy, love, and fun. You have those qualities innately in you, but be careful who you give that love and attention to. Don't give your power away to people who won't give you love and kindness in return. Redefine who you are in the world. Accept the love you deserve, and be confident in who you are by not judging yourself by how others treat you. Make a promise with yourself that from now on you will not define yourself by society standards, and when life tests you do not go wayward. You deserve such a beautiful, pure, unconditional love that comes from yourself because it's hard to remember that you are enough when someone or something makes it feel as if you're not. Self-love is about checking in with yourself. We're born to this world absolutely perfect, but this world conditioned us to believe that we aren't enough or that we could be better.

There may be a fear of opening up to new energies, to new people, and to new experiences because you feel safe in your comfort zone, but the only way to really find divine confidence is to explore. Trust that you will get what you need when you need it and you'll get the information you need. The things we go through provide lessons, and that lesson could bring to light what you need to let go of and change in order to be a better and different person. Do not try to figure out who you are through relationships. It's okay to love everyone. There's no shame in being a good person even if someone is uncomfortable with that. Life is short so we deserve to love and do what we love, and that's why you should connect to who you are really are so that you can be surrounded by that confident and joyful energy.

Accept people as they are and accept your past. Maybe there have been people who haven't treated you right and that hasn't been easy to get over, but that's where that self-love comes in because if you know yourself and you know the truth then you know that you are worthy of love and worthy of special things. Acknowledge that you're a special person. The truth is nobody can satisfy you the way you satisfy yourself. Don't cling to people and the past to tell you how you should feel. Be proud of your progress because you are getting there. You will break free from what is holding you back from being your most confident and authentic self. The more you focus on how you want to feel and doing what makes you happy, the more you will be in that energy of love and confidence. You don't need anyone or anything to make you feel fulfilled or happy. Thinking that way is out of alignment with who you really are. Spend time alone to connect with yourself and your heart. There's always a new opportunity and a new day, and you're on the right path. Trust yourself and know that you are a lot stronger than you think you are. Release the past and know that you are doing your best.

No matter what, you are worthy of love and you are exactly who you're supposed to be. The more you extend love to yourself, the more you will see how awesome you are and how you deserve to live in that energy for yourself. Remember you are amazing, special, beautiful, unique, and loved. I wish you a wonderful day of happiness and beauty.

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